Adventist AIDS international ministries helps

Adventist AIDS International Ministries aims to reveal compassion, mercy and the love of Jesus Christ On World AIDS Day, we are reminded that AAIM continues to work with those impacted by the disease Dec 01, 2017 | Silver Spring, Maryland, United States | Alexis Llaguno, director, Adventist AIDS International Ministries  Six months dress making course [Photo credit: Alexis Llaguno] Even after more than 35 years of fighting HIV-AIDS, the disease continued to claim about a million lives in 2016. And while significant strides have been made to combat this infection, a lot more still needs to be done. Here is a comparison on how much had been achieved by 2016: Year 2001 2016 People with HIV 30 million 36.7 million New HIV infections 3.4 million 1.8 million Deaths 1.9 million 1.0 million The increase in the number of people with HIV to 36.7 million in 2016 is partially attributed to people living longer due to anti-retroviral treatment, as well as the new infections. Out of the 36.7 million people living with HIV, 25.6 million or 69% are in the African continent. The Adventist AIDS International Ministry (AAIM) was established by the General Conference in November 2002 to address the theological, moral, social, physical, medical, economic. and other issues, related to the HIV pandemic. Although most of its activities have been concentrated in the three African regions since HIV is highest in that area, its services are available to the entire World Church. With its extensive scope of responsibility, it is a hybrid ministry functioning as one of the many church departments and at the same time being involved in projects similar to ADRA. AAIM does numerous education programs dealing with HIV awareness, support group establishment, prevention strategies, stigma-discrimination elimination, training to equip the church to effectively respond to HIV, counseling and testing and others. Like ADRA they are involved in various projects to take care of those infected and affected such as income generating activities, HIV training of trainers, gardening, nutrition classes, orphans care, impact mitigation and others. Many of these projects are in collaboration with ADRA

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